The Fruit of Eastern Orthodoxy in Greece

The Fruit of Eastern Orthodoxy in Greece

Here we have a lesson for those in the reformed church disguised as a slam against the Eastern Orthodox church. Be careful about the emphasis you place on your history and traditions. A recent popular social media posting was making fun of an evangelical pastor...
Churches: We Are Not Mini-Temples

Churches: We Are Not Mini-Temples

Churches: We Are Not Mini-Temples Unmasking the most pernicious, entrenched and pervasive error in Protestantism “He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.” 2nd Samuel 7:13 Some people are surprised when they see a...
Minimizing Heaven, Absolutizing the Local Church

Minimizing Heaven, Absolutizing the Local Church

I love the local church. At the local church in which I regularly fellowship I am recognized as a member of the church universal. I love weekly church services. We sing, we confess, we herald the gospel, we exhort, we pray, we hear the word, we learn about the law and...
Megalomaniacal Pastors And Faulty Ecclesiology

Megalomaniacal Pastors And Faulty Ecclesiology

When it comes to interaction with various ecclesiastical authority figures throughout your life, how many times have you heard yourself thinking questions like: What’s up with this pastor? He’s always been a nice guy but where did that behavior come from? Man that...