What COVID Revealed About Your Pastor

What COVID Revealed About Your Pastor

No one is a statist, tyrant, or coward in the abstract. Well, I shouldn’t say no one, but if you are such a one, it’s certainly easier to camouflage while your feet aren’t held to the fire. Such vices are rarely made obvious in “peace time”. They are...
Biblical Law for Women: Blessing or Curse?

Biblical Law for Women: Blessing or Curse?

The twentieth and twenty-first centuries could be characterized as an era of liberation movements. Whether it be women’s suffrage, civil rights, or more contemporarily, “LGBT” activism, many groups have emerged seeking freedom from discrimination and...
Bad Reasons to Board the Titanic

Bad Reasons to Board the Titanic

I have previously written here and here about the need for Christian parents to undergo a mass exodus from the Public Schools ASAP. I believe much progress continues to be made in this regard however there are still the usual voices in the evangelical world that still...
Salt, Public Schools, and Naïve Christianity

Salt, Public Schools, and Naïve Christianity

The Gospel Coalition released an article detailing recent efforts to be salt and light in a community through involvement with the public schools. It sounds great—who could ever have a problem with helping children right? To this end, I have some thoughts which I...
Should Christians Support Government Schools?

Should Christians Support Government Schools?

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” –Colossians 2:8 “I am as sure as I am of Christ’s reign that a comprehensive and...