by | May 23, 2022

Public Health – The Trojan Horse of Modern Fascism

In September 2019 I posted the following comment on social media: “Many people are unaware that many of the philosophical and ideological precursors of Nazi ideology that became important elements of the Nazi programme itself are now well established in modern Western society. These include the green agenda, environmentalism, . . . neo-paganism, liberal ‘Christian’ theology that radically reinterprets the historic faith leading to corrupt and apostate churches, the corruption of medical ethics leading to euthanasia and abortion, inhumane medical experimentation etc., anti-capitalism and socialist economics.

The similarities between the ideologies that are being promoted so aggressively now and the cocktail of cranky ideologies that went into the mixer that produced Nazi philosophy are too close for comfort. Given the intolerance that accompanies these ideologies today and the almost society-wide insistence that the State run and regulate everything in our lives and society the prognosis for another experiment with fascist politics in the West, only this time on a much wider scale, does not look good. There is of course an answer, a transformational salvation for both individual men and societies, but those who have it do not want to use it, so enthralled are they with the spirit of this idolatrous age.” 

Only two years later and apparently fascism is acceptable worldwide now if it is done for the health of the people (including medical experimentation—Dr Mengele would have approved). But this was always the case. All that Hitler and the Nazis did, including the abortion, euthanasia, censorship, medical experimentation, propaganda, brainwashing, socialism, environmentalism, the liberal reinterpretation of the Christian faith etc.—does this begin to sound familiar to you?—was done in the name of the health and well-being of the German people.  

The unpalatable truth is that fascism is the dominant political ideology of our age. Indeed, it is far more than a mere political ideology, it is a religion. But the term itself is no longer used to identify the political ideology it represents and is misunderstood by the general public and consequently used primarily as a pejorative word that is more often than not a complete misnomer. Fascism is a form of socialism, and in fact it is the predominant form of socialist ideology embraced by the modern world, including Western States, and it is no less totalitarian in principle than Marxism, as the recent lockdown-fascism episode has demonstrated so clearly. In fact the Italian Fascists were the first to use the word totalitarian, which was defined by Benito Mussolini as “Everything within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” 

I have a book somewhere called The Appeal of Fascism. It may seem like an odd title. Whom on earth does fascism appeal to other than the fascist rulers and their lackeys? But actually Fascism did appeal to a great many people outside the formal Fascist organisations, which is why the Fascists were able to gain power,—and it still does, except it is not called Fascism today. This is one of the disturbing facts about it. In fact, Winston Churchill—not someone I have a great deal of respect or admiration for, since he was an obsessive war monger, alcoholic, gambler, and an appalling military bungler, but he was right about this—said that the Fascists of the future will be called anti-Fascists.  

The problem is not merely that we have a fascist government (I am speaking here from a British context), but that we have a fascist parliament without any opposition to the ruling fascism, since the same fascist worldview is embraced by the majority of MPs regardless of party allegiances. But we also have a fascist establishment, and this is backed up by a fascist media. But underpinning all of this is the fact that the greater part of the population supports this fascist view of authority and social control. Getting rid of the dissolute figurehead presently ensconced in No. 10 Downing Street will not solve this problem, nor will getting rid of this fascist government, and unfortunately it could quite possibly even make things worse.

This is a worldview issue, in other words it is a religious issue. The country has been converted to the religion of fascism—although this has been accomplished subliminally for the most part—and the rise of this fascist religion requires a religious answer. The people could nullify this fascism almost immediately by simply refusing to obey the diktats of the fascist government. But such a government could not have arisen in the first place if the greater part of the population had not already converted to the new religion of fascism. It is not merely that people are fearful of opposing the fascism and refusing to obey. The problem is that the people, for the most part, agree with the fascism, and cannot even recognise it for the evil that it is, because they have bought into the worldview that underpins and validates it. It is the religion of fascism that is driving the politics of fascism. Politics and religion are inseparable. Politics is always the working out of a religious faith. “Politics” said Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, “being a process of realisation, must be driven by the force of some unlimited faith.” 

How easily this argument from health has been made the Trojan horse of modern fascism! What is truly disturbing about all this however, although it does explain what has happened, is how easily so many Christians have rolled over and accepted it without batting an eyelid, indeed have actively embraced it with enthusiasm, swallowing the whole fascist narrative, and have not only approved of what has happened but have enthusiastically promoted the narrative, including heaping condemnation on those who resist it. Nothing demonstrates more just how deeply the Church has imbibed the spirit of the age, the spirit of fascism, than this supine attitude towards the immoral and totalitarian demands of the godless secular State. But of course, if you have learned to accept totalitarian authority in the Church you will fail to challenge it in the State.

I think what has happened in the vast majority of Churches today, and this has been demonstrated so clearly over the past two years, is fundamentally similar to what happened in Nazi Germany with the Church. The comparison will be vehemently denied by Covid-narrative affirming Christians today of course, but that is the nature of the delusion. The parallels are far too close for comfort. It seems the Church, for the most part, has learned nothing much since the end of World War Two. This is why the Church as the Church now exists is finished. The Church has been turned by the enemy and is now one of the secular humanist institutions leading the war against the Lord Jesus Christ and his kingdom.  

There is an answer to all this of course, an alternative that will transform the whole world, but it requires a full-scale renaissance of the Christian faith in every sphere of human life, and it is this that the Churches today are predominantly so adamantly against. This is why the future requires that these dead institutional Churches be abandoned to the fate that the Lord Jesus has so clearly ordained for them, i.e. to be trodden underfoot. Christians must no longer look back to these ecclesiastical idols of the past but instead embrace and work for the coming of the kingdom of God on earth and the discipling of the nations. Jesus will build his ecclesia, there can be no doubt about that. But that is his job, not ours. Our task, our divine calling, is to seek the kingdom of God and his justice on earth and to disciple the nations.  



Photo: Dsdugan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 

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Stephen Perks
Stephen Perks is the Director of the Kuyper Foundation. He is the author of a number of books, has contributed articles on a variety of topics to journals in Britain, Europe and the USA and lectured on a variety of issues, including theology, Christian world-view, economics, politics, education, legal history and music.


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